Please select the appropriate contact link below.

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Be sure to check if your query has already been answered, on our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Our preferred communication method is via the applicable contact forms linked below.

We do not publicly share any information you enter in the form.

We do not spam you with sales letters or emails, nor will we post your information on any blog or forum.

These forms are encrypted and secured by SSL (https) certificate.

Questions Regarding Your Order

Need to change, update shipping method or just have a question about your order?

Please sign in to your account and check in there.

Order Tracking
Your order tracking reference/link was included with the Tax Invoice notification email.

Tracking can also be viewed from your Order Details page.

Consultation / Pre-order Advice
For antenna recommendations, use our Consultation service.

For troubleshooting advice:
1. Sign-in to your account.
2. Once signed in our Installation Troubleshooting form.

General Questions
For other advice use our general Contact Us form.

FAQ – Shipping, Returns, Terms and Conditions
Please see our FAQ pages for detailed info FAQ form.